Fx photo studio hd ipad
Fx photo studio hd ipad

fx photo studio hd ipad

In addition, sometimes an update to the app will render a formerly saved Preset invalid. Note that Presets cannot be shared from iPad iPhone because settings are different on each even though similar presets exist on both. These options are shown when you click the side-ways V icon next to a preset name (shown in the top image at the lower left corner of the screen shot).


The top image of the two above shows the code required to share the preset and the name you have chosen for it. So I went ahead and purchased them and chose the frame shown below to frame the image. This signified an "in-app" purchase option was required in order to access those frames. I scrolled down in the Categories to see if there were other frames available and found Art Frames with a padlock next to it. But I didn't like any of the "Classic Frames" supplied with PhotoStudioHD. Some time ago, I had edited this image to this point and decided that I wanted to add a frame to it. Since I knew I wanted a Vintage look for this image, I selected the Categories/Vintage option and found I liked the Vintage effect (87), dialed back from the default strength as shown in the bottom screen shot. You may then apply a second effect if desired. Once you are happy with an effect, use the Apply button to lock it onto the image. And if you want to apply an effect to only a portion of an image, use the Draw Mask option to paint the effect onto the portion of the image where you want it applied.

fx photo studio hd ipad

The top screen shot shows the Lindale effect applied to my image note that if you want to apply it with less 'power' as I did, use the slider for Amount to reduce the intensity of the effect. Click the Photo Album option and select an image, click the Use button on the next screen and you will something similar to the following image.


This tutorial is for the purpose of demonstrating how to use effects on an image in a "Photo Album " other options include importing an image from Facebook or Documents (neither of which I've ever done). When you open PhotoStudioHD you will be presented with a screen that gives you an option of loading an image (a folder icon) as well as a few other options. I have included small images that may be clicked to view the larger size of each image. One thing that the iPad app does NOT do is rotate. I also include references to saving Presets and screen shots for the various actions one might want to perform once an image has been loaded into PhotoStudioHD. There is already an excellent tutorial on using FX Photo Studio on the iPhone so I will show a few effects as applied to my starting image and leave it to the reader to visit iPhoneography Central for the excellent tutorial on the iPhone version of this software.

fx photo studio hd ipad

No wonder newbies to iPhone/iPad post processing find things confusing! I finally figured out that the PhotoStudioHD app I use on the iPad is the same as the PhotoStudio app for the iPhone which is known as FX Photo Studio but shows up on the iPhone as PhotoStudio. Since I do most of my post processing on an iPad, I have been confused for awhile now when others speak of using FX Photo Studio.

Fx photo studio hd ipad